Solar reactor converts carbon dioxide and plastics into sustainable fuels.
By Mauro Mereu
To solve plastic and carbon dioxide pollution, we cannot scrub a magic lamp or deploy magic wands – neither Alexa nor Google can lend a hand yet. Science is at odds with magic, but its discoveries often have a fascinating factor within them. A new system for processing both plastic waste and CO2 at the same time is one of them.
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New 'stealth' polymer alternative for delivering drugs around the body.
By medicalplasticsnews.com
Researchers have developed a synthetic substance that has the potential to be a more effective and safer way of delivering drugs around the body.
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Scientists discover backyard fungi that can break down tough plastic in just 140 days.
By Clare Watson
Almost a third of the world's plastic waste is polypropylene, a hardy plastic used to make bottle caps and food containers that can take hundreds of years to degrade. But now, scientists have harnessed two strains of fungi found in soils to break down lab samples of polypropylene in just 140 days.
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India ‘getting more mature; in plastics recycling.
By plasticsnews.com
A push for Extended Producer Responsibility policies for plastic waste in India will be a boon for plastics recycling. India will be getting more mature towards plastic recycling, with the new EPR guidelines, said Nitin Gupta, CEO of Steer Engineering in Bengaluru.
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We need plastics. What we don’t need is plastic waste!
By Ashley Balzer
More and more people are waking up to the issue of pollution. Since a lot of this plastic waste comes from food packaging, many people are doing their best to limit their use of it. While that intention is admirable, we may need to look at the issue from another perspective.
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National initiative to recycle plastic bollards.
By Shannon Paten
About 1000 end-of life damaged bollards have been 100% recycled into new eco-friendly T Top bollards, in an Australian-first initiative.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
401, 4th Floor, Choksey Mansion, 303, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Fort, Mumbai 400001