monthly guide to the world of plastics |
A study finds more microbes can degrade plastics.
By Gothenburg
According to new research by the Chalmers University of Technology, the number of microbial enzymes with the ability to degrade plastic is growing, in correlation with local levels of plastic pollution.
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New innovative ship design to clear oceans of plastic waste and produce clean fuel
By Portnews.ru
H2-Industries and TECHNOLOG Services, a naval architecture company, have joined forces to develop 3D designs for an innovative concept ship that will collect plastic waste that currently blights the world’s oceans and then converts it into clean hydrogen.
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Chemical recycling: ‘A small but significant part of addressing the plastics puzzle’
By packagingeurope.com
Chemical recycling may not be a perfect solution to the plastic waste problem, but in certain scenarios, it’s the best answer we have – says Ignacio Gavilan, sustainability director at The Consumer Goods Forum.
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AI tool tracks plastic waste from space.
By theengineer.co.uk
A new tool combining artificial intelligence and earth observation can measure plastic waste from space, identifying thousands of waste sites across 25 countries.
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Jeep India launches ‘Mission One Earth’ to promote responsible adventure
By indianautosblog.com
Jeep India has announced the launch of its flagship Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative called ‘Mission One Earth’. This initiative, through various programs, will encourage Jeep Customers and the Community to enjoy adventures responsibly.
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Is plastic really a pollutant?
By Aniket Malshe
While purchasing a plastic bottle, we generally prioritize our comfort by recalling the “use & throw” technique. Henceforth, it is now a regular practice of human beings. Banning plastic is not a solution; improving Waste Management is.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
401, 4th Floor, Choksey Mansion, 303, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Fort, Mumbai 400001