Advanced recycling methods - The ultimate sustainability solution.
By - Innovation News Network
Traditional plastic recycling methods face a few hiccups but advanced techniques like pyrolysis, depolymerization, and solvent dissolution are showing significant potential. Companies like Macrocycle and Plastic Energy are integrating these methods to lower economic consumption.
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Chemistry professor paving the road to sustainability.
By - Shine Jacob
Dr. Vasudevan, a scientist from Tamil Nadu, developed a method to reuse and repurpose plastic waste to create eco-friendly roads. By combining shredded plastic with molten bitumen, the road's durability, flexibility, and resistance to water damage increased.
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Plastic is revving up sustainability in the automobile industry.
By - Stephen Moore
The automotive industry is increasingly using recycled and renewable materials like plastic to create more sustainable vehicles, aiming to reduce their environmental impact. A project called SURFTOP is studying the effects of using recycled materials in vehicle manufacturing.
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How2Recycle messages bring signs of change.
By - Kate Bertrand Connolly
Researchers evaluated strategically placed in-store signage with How2Recycle educational messages to increase awareness of store drop-off recycling for flexible packaging. The study used eye-tracking glasses to measure participants' visual attention and awareness of recycling signage.
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Innovation to extract plastics from residual waste.
By - Charles Newman
Renewi and Freepoint Eco-Systems International have partnered to build a waste plastic sorting plant to produce feedstock for advanced recycling. The sorting facility will use techniques, including residual heat to transform end-of-life plastic into high-quality feedstock.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by
Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
401, 4th Floor, Choksey Mansion, 303, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Fort, Mumbai 400001