Synthetic to Biodegradable. The Aimplas Project makes it possible for plastic.
From Eco Plastics in Packaging.
The Plastics Technology Centre, Aimplas, has carried out chemical and biotechnological pre-treatments to turn synthetic plastics into biodegradable bioplastics. The BiolCEP project turns non-biodegradable plastics into bio-based materials for the packaging and pharmaceutical industries
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Fully recyclable fiber-reinforced plastics - The next step for circular economy.
By Jakob Goerzen
The All-Polymer project has developed fully recyclable fiber-reinforced plastic products using innovative thermoplastic unidirectional plastic fiber reinforced tapes (UD tapes).
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Investment funds to boost advanced plastic recycling.
By Recyclinginternational
Infinity Recycling, a growth capital firm that invests in advanced plastic recycling technology, has announced that its Circular Plastics Fund (CPF) has reached EUR 105 million in committed capital.
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Dissolvable Plastics - A lasting solution for the marine crisis.
By Laura Chang
A group of scientists is hoping to create a new type of plastic that can be printed via a 3D machine and can break down in seawater within a month, in a bid to tackle the growing waste in our oceans.
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Infinity - The next step for recycling
By Industry Update
Enviro-tech startup Samsara Eco is creating what it believes is Australia’s first infinite recycling R&D facility, as the company moves towards its goal of recycling 1.5 million tonnes of plastic per annum by 2030.
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How does AI revolutionise plastic Recycling?
By Closed Loop Partners
In 2023, the NextGen Consortium is diving even deeper, launching a study leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the composition of the PP material stream before it ends up in a bale. The NextGen Consortium is working with Greyparrot, an AI waste analytics platform.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
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Fort, Mumbai 400001