Researchers build hard, self-healing plastic that can be reshaped and recycled.
By Wageningen University
Rigid plastic is very useful but difficult to recycle. At least it was, until the discovery of so-called Vitrimers. Researchers at Wageningen University have laid the foundation for a new type of sustainable, hard plastic that is easy to deform and grows back together on its own.
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UBQ Materials makes plastic from garbage.
By JD Alois
UBQ Materials (a company) has developed a process to make sustainable plastic out of garbage. While this may sound too good to be true, the article sheds light on the process and the company’s vision with one of UBQs executives.
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Researchers use light to convert lignin into plastic that can be recycled.
By Boston College
Lignin is arguably the most abundant component of biomass that most people have never heard of. That may be about to change. Scientists have been working to find more efficient and sustainable approaches to transform this naturally occurring polymer for use as a cleaner and greener building block to develop next-generation materials.
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Could waste plastic become a useful fuel source?
By Katherine Latham
“Plastic waste dumps could be the oil fields of the future. Effectively, plastic is another form of fossil fuel. It’s rich in energy and in chemical composition, which we want to unlock.” says Prof Erwin Reisner
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Plastics can adapt to a more sustainable packaging sector
By Don Loepp
The packaging market is on the cusp of a new era. We are going to see new designs and materials in the near future. Sustainability is driving the changes. Plastics are poised to benefit, but it's not going to be easy.
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Turning rice into low-carbon plastic brings hope to a struggling Fukushima town.
By Reuters News Service
After Fukushima nuclear reactors exploded and sprayed the area with radiation over a decade ago, the town finds hope in a venture that turns rice unsellable for consumption due to health worries into low-carbon plastic used by major firms across Japan.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
401, 4th Floor, Choksey Mansion, 303, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Fort, Mumbai 400001