September 2022
monthly guide to the world of plastics |
Thermo-chemical plastic recycling can change the way we view waste.
By Polya Pencheva
A team of scientists has developed a way to turn waste that contains plastics into new plastics. It has the potential to change the way we use this material and give a boost to circular economics.
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Scientists finally find a way to recycle plastic indefinitely.
By Tibi Puiu
Most plastic products can't be recycled back into their original form. It's time to change that. What if there was a way to recycle plastic a third, tenth, or even one-hundredth time? Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder believe this is indeed possible.
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Why plastic is good! It’s important to understand this.
By ecoandbeyond.co
There’s no denying that plastic has become demonised. But all plastics now seem to have become a scapegoat for all that’s wrong with the world. That’s why we think it’s important to highlight why plastic is good – sometimes.
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How can a life-cycle approach curb the plastic pollution crisis?
By UNEP News & Stories
Here’s what you need to know about the life-cycle approach to plastic pollution, the benefits of circularity and how it can help stave off this global crisis.
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How India is recycling at scale with Banyan Nation?
By Benu Joshi Routh
Multiple startups are applying innovation to address various aspects of sustainability and pollution and creating new-age products with multiple use cases. Read about India’s first vertically integrated plastic recycling companies.
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How multiple countries are working together to end plastic pollution by 2040?
By weforum.org
Plastic pollution has reached unprecedented levels and it is projected to triple in the coming decades. This is an unacceptable burden to place on the planet and on future generations. Business as usual is not an option. We must build a different future.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
401, 4th Floor, Choksey Mansion, 303, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Fort, Mumbai 400001