October 2022
monthly guide to the world of plastics |
Researchers use light to convert acetylene to ethylene, precursor for PE.
By plastemart.com
A team of chemists from Northwestern University have come up with an environment friendly process to convert acetylene into ethylene without high temperatures and pressures, flammable hydrogen and expensive metals to drive the reaction.
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New Discovery! A lightweight plastic bottle that’s reusable and fully recyclable.
By Bruce Adams
Materials supplier Borealis and Trexel, develops a plastic bottle that is made from renewably sourced feedstock and produced using the MuCell foaming process.
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Greening the global plastics value chain is the right step ahead.
By Patrick Williams
There is no denying that, due to its near-infinite uses and applications and sheer speed from innovation to manufacturing, the world relies heavily on plastic. But due to wasteful usage it has become a contributing factor to climate change. Can a greener supply chain make a difference?
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Scientists blasted plastic with lasers and turned it into tiny diamonds.
By Robert Lea
New research inspired by ice giants like Neptune and Uranus shows lasers can transform a common plastic into tiny diamonds.
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Smart solution to put an end to plastic waste at events.
By Karen Laird
A German start-up called 1Less has developed a new closed-loop re-use system that could make the piles of waste plastic cups, lids, containers and cutlery at events a thing of the past.
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What do plastics have to do with solar energy?
By plasticmakers.org
The US Department of Energy says the amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year. How is plastic helping in this?
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
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