March 2022
monthly guide to the world of plastics |
A collaboration to produce clean hydrogen from Plastic waste.
By John Max
Toyota, Iwatani, and JGC – Three major Japanese corps. have announced that they will be collaborating on a new source of clean hydrogen as Japan continues to push forward toward an H2 economy.
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Paving the way for sustainable roads by transforming Plastic waste into Asphalt.
By Dow
A new study presents a more efficient way to go about cleaning up the ocean: converting the plastic waste into fuel onboard the ship to create a self-powered cleanup operation.
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Breakthrough: Machines can now distinguish 12 different types of plastic.
By Aarhus University
New technology makes it possible to separate plastics based on a purer chemical composition than is possible today, and this opens up for completely new opportunities to recycle plastics.
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Innovative recycling technology helps unveil 100% rPET bottles.
By petnology.com
Committed to accelerating the development of innovative sustainable packaging solutions, evian achieves new milestone in circularity journey with launch of prototype bottle using revolutionary technology from Loop Industries that allows no and low value plastics (that otherwise go to waste) to be recycled endlessly into new, virgin quality plastic.
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New enzyme discovery is another leap towards beating plastic waste.
By sciencedaily.com
Scientists who helped to pioneer the use of enzymes to eat plastic have taken an important next step in developing nature-based solutions to the global plastics crisis. They have characterized an enzyme that has the remarkable capacity to help break down terephthalate (TPA), one of the chemical building blocks of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, which is used to make single-use drinks bottles, clothing, and carpets.
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United Nations resolution on greening plastics is a positive step.
By nature.com
On 2 March, world leaders and environment ministers agreed to start negotiations on the world’s first legally binding international treaty to eliminate one of humanity’s most devastating sources of pollution: plastics. This hugely positive step has the power to attack the problem as never before.
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That’s all
for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
401, 4th Floor, Choksey Mansion, 303, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road Fort, Mumbai 400001
Tel: 022-22617137/7165 | E-mail: icpe@icpe.in |
Website: www.icpe.in
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