monthly guide to the world of plastics |
Recyclable PE barrier films put sustainability on the table.
By Rob Clare
Advances in polyethylene resins for blown films offer improved barrier, recyclability, range of use, and design flexibility for flexible packaging for foods.
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Smart plastic material is being eyed for next-gen soft robots, and electronics.
By Elizabeth Montalbano
Researchers used light to create a polymer that is 10 times more durable than natural rubber. They have taken inspiration from living things such as trees and shellfish to create a new plastic material that is both flexible and strong, showing a toughness that’s 10 times more than that of natural rubber.
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Sustainable plastics could revolutionize waste management in emerging markets.
By Oxford Business Group
Recycled packaging could eventually supplant virgin plastic production. Innovative waste-management systems work to transform pollution into added value. Recent studies offer sustainable alternatives to help break down existing waste.
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Scientists crack upcycling plastics to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
By Claire Benjamin
Scientists from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Dow have developed a breakthrough process to transform the most widely produced plastic — polyethylene (PE) — into the second-most widely produced plastic, polypropylene (PP), which could reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
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A common-sense approach to sustainable thinking.
By Robert Lilienfeld
The public seems to think that there is no cost associated with eliminating plastic packaging. Those of us with any modicum of business sense and sense of history recognize that over time, the material that has delivered the greatest functional value at the lowest economic cost, will be the sustainable winner. Over the last 50 years, that’s been plastics.
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U.P. govt. looks for the right formula to use plastic waste.
By Shalabh
Striving to increase the use of plastic waste in the construction of roads, the government agencies in UP on Monday understood the correct formula for ensuring long-term durability of the roads prepared using such technology.
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That’s all for now.
Issued in public interest by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment,
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Fort, Mumbai 400001